Greek farmer salad plus spicy pepperoni

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  • 2 tomatoes
  • 1/2 salad cucumber
  • 1 small red or white onion
  • 1/4 green peppers
  • Some Kalamata olives
  • 1 pieces of fetish cheese approx. 25 gr
  • Some pepperoni *
  • Salt, olive oil




Tomato Roll, salt, mix. Yes, now the tomato salt. Peel Cucumber, cut vertical and cut slices. Cut Onion in half rings. Cut Peppers in stripes. Now it’s time to salt and mix. Give Kalamata Olives, pepperoni and feta on top. Olive Oil.

* Pepperoni doesn’t belong to the standard concept. You can add everything that tastes to you and design your own version.


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